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Online workshop: Efficient and Successful Use of LinkedIn for TT Offices

The goal of this workshop is to understand the possibilities and functionalities of LinkedIn and to be able to use the platform successfully for TTO purposes.

The course is divided in input and practical parts and shall cover the following topics:
1. Search for company contact persons
2. Posting of technologies:

Language: English
Date: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 from 9.00 to 12.00 am
Registration Fee: CHF 200 (for members only)

Online Workshop
Access data for Zoom will be sent to the participants after registration in advance.

IT Infrastructure Needed
Computer or tablet with Zoom; private LinkedIn Account.

Course Instructor
Dominic Stöcklin, M.A. HSG,
Dominic currently works as Head of Social Media at Switzerland Tourism. He also lectures at the Zurich University of Economics and Business (HWZ), the Higher Technical School for Tourism, Die Schweizerische Journalisten-schule (MAZ) as well as the Institute for Communication & Leadership. He has proven expertise in digital communication and marketing projects.