Program Part 1: 14.00 - 16:30
Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area site Main Campus, Hegenheimermattweg 167A, 4123 Allschwil
Registration for Part 1
14:00 How BaseLaunch supports start-ups. Stephan Emmerth, BaseLaunch
14:30 From Concept to Regulatory Approvals in Pharma, Gautam Maitra, EPFL & San Diego State University
15:30 Site tour and Coffee Break: Visit Switzerland Innovation Park Basel Area and Innovation Office of the University of Basel
16:30 End of Part 1
Program Part 2
Markthalle, Viaduktstrasse 10, 4051 Basel
Registration for Part 2
17:00 Door Opening
17:30 Welcome and Introduction.
17:40 20 years of SwiTT – How it all began, Adrian Sigrist, Unitectra
18:00 Panel discussion “Tech transfer in the new innovation ecosystem”
19:00 Networking Apero